Product & Services - Artificial Intelligence Ontario Canada, Real Time Analytics & Big Data-DataReady
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Product & Services

Products & Services

  • Big Data Solutions

    • Industry leading Big Data solutions
    • Expert Big Data development team
    • 100% OpenSource & NoSQL compatible
    • No downtime with installations
    • Seamless ecosystem integrations

  • Real-Time Data Solutions

    • Industry leading Real-Time solutions
    • Expert Real-Time development team
    • 100% OpenSource & NoSQL compatible
    • Seamless ecosystem integrations

  • Big Data & Real-Time Data Solutions

    • Complete Big Data solution
    • Complete Real-Time Data solution
    • Custom Connectors
    • Business Insights
    • Advanced Development & Consulting

  • Custom Connectors

    • Industry leading data connectors
    • Plug & Play data connectors
    • NoSQL Database Compatible
    • IBM, HortonWorks & Cloudera Compatible
    • And so much more. Let’s talk.

  • Advanced Development

    • Industry leading Big Data development team
    • Lead by industry subject matter experts
    • Over 15 years experience
    • Successful Fortune 500 installations

  • Consulting

    • Work directly with subject matter experts
    • Business Intelligence (BI)
    • Big Data Solutions
    • Real-Time Data Solutions
    • Advanced development solutions